Entry #1758: Same-sex adoption in Georgia

Current Version

IssueSame-sex adoption
Start DateJun 26, 2017
End Date(none)
DescriptionSingle-parent and joint-parent adoption is legal for any adult pursuant Official Code of Georgia §19-8-3.

However, no appellate court case law or statutes dictate legality of same-sex second-parent adoption, which means ruling has varied by county and judge.
OC GA §19-8-3

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Revision History (2)

edited by Notdog1996

Old Value (Original) New Value (Current)
Special StatusAmbiguousLegal
Start Date(unknown)Jun 26, 2017
DescriptionSingle-parent and joint-parent adoption is legal for any adult pursuant Official Code of Georgia §19-8-3. Status listed as ambiguous because second-parent adoption for same-sex couples has varied by county and judge. No appellate court case law or statutes dictate legality of same-sex, second-parent adoption.Single-parent and joint-parent adoption is legal for any adult pursuant Official Code of Georgia §19-8-3.

However, no appellate court case law or statutes dictate legality of same-sex second-parent adoption, which means ruling has varied by county and judge.
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Single-parent and joint-parent adoption is legal for any adult pursuant Official Code of Georgia §19-8-3. Status listed as ambiguous because second-parent adoption for same-sex couples has varied by county and judge. No appellate court case law or statutes dictate legality of same-sex, second-parent adoption. However, no appellate court case law or statutes dictate legality of same-sex second-parent adoption, which means ruling has varied by county and judge.
OC GA §19-8-3
OC GA §19-8-3
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www.lambdalegal.org/states-region/georgia OC GA §19-8-3 §19-8-3 https://www.familyequality.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/11-Georgia-Snapshot.pdf

created by imullin01

Original entry
Start Date(unknown)
End Date(none)
DescriptionSingle-parent and joint-parent adoption is legal for any adult pursuant Official Code of Georgia §19-8-3. Status listed as ambiguous because second-parent adoption for same-sex couples has varied by county and judge. No appellate court case law or statutes dictate legality of same-sex, second-parent adoption.
Sourceswww.lambdalegal.org/states-region/georgia OC GA §19-8-3
Reports (1)
  • Note field is incorrect "The governor did not get elected, so this info is not relevant."