Entry #13248: Gender-affirming care in United Kingdom

Current Version

RegionUnited Kingdom
IssueGender-affirming care
Start DateJan 1, 2001
End DateMar 12, 2024
DescriptionIn 2001, United Kingdom adopted the ICD-10 classification, which contains codes for diagnosing transsexualism in adulthood and childhood, which authorize the initiation of medical transition.

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Revision History (4)

edited by Notdog1996. Newer status

Old Value New Value (Current)
End Date(none)Mar 12, 2024

edited by JuliaB. correction of errors

Old Value New Value
ValueLegal, but restricted for minorsLegal
Start Date(unknown)Jan 1, 2001
DescriptionTransgender healthcare is technically legal in the United Kingdom, but barriers to access exist. In 2024, the NHS cancelled the distribution of puberty blockers.In 2001, United Kingdom adopted the ICD-10 classification, which contains codes for diagnosing transsexualism in adulthood and childhood, which authorize the initiation of medical transition.
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Transgender healthcare is technically legal in the United Kingdom, but barriers to access exist. In 2024, the NHS cancelled the distribution of puberty blockers. 2001, United Kingdom adopted the ICD-10 classification, which contains codes for diagnosing transsexualism in adulthood and childhood, which authorize the initiation of medical transition.
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https://www.creativesupport.co.uk/trans-healthcare/ https://www.theguardian.com/society/2024/mar/15/puberty-blockers-what-are-they-and-what-are-the-concerns-about-them#:~:text=Children%20with%20gender%20dysphoria%20will,for%20their%20safety%20and%20effectiveness. https://www.creativesupport.co.uk/trans-healthcare/ https://www.theguardian.com/society/2024/mar/15/puberty-blockers-what-are-they-and-what-are-the-concerns-about-them#:~:text=Children%20with%20gender%20dysphoria%20will,for%20their%20safety%20and%20effectiveness. https://ourworldindata.org/grapher/icd-code-version-used-to-classify-causes-of-death?time=earliest

edited by Doomdorm64. Adding another source

Old Value (Original) New Value
ValueRestrictedLegal, but restricted for minors
DescriptionTransgender healthcare is technically legal in the United Kingdom, but barriers to access exist.Transgender healthcare is technically legal in the United Kingdom, but barriers to access exist. In 2024, the NHS cancelled the distribution of puberty blockers.
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Transgender healthcare is technically legal in the United Kingdom, but barriers to access exist. In 2024, the NHS cancelled the distribution of puberty blockers.
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https://www.creativesupport.co.uk/trans-healthcare/ https://www.creativesupport.co.uk/trans-healthcare/ https://www.theguardian.com/society/2024/mar/15/puberty-blockers-what-are-they-and-what-are-the-concerns-about-them#:~:text=Children%20with%20gender%20dysphoria%20will,for%20their%20safety%20and%20effectiveness.

created by Doomdorm64

Original entry
Start Date(unknown)
End Date(none)
DescriptionTransgender healthcare is technically legal in the United Kingdom, but barriers to access exist.