Entry #13236: Gender-affirming care in Germany

Current Version

IssueGender-affirming care
Start DateJul 6, 1919
End DateMay 6, 1933
DescriptionIn 1919 the non-profit foundation Institute for Sexual Science was founded in Berlin by Magnus Hirschfeld, becoming the first sexology research center in the world.
The institute provided a range of endocrinologic and surgical services, including an early form of modern sex reassignment surgery in 1931.
Ludwig Levy-Lenz, the institute's primary surgeon for transgender patients, pioneered early facial feminization and masculinization procedures, alongside developing hair removal treatments utilizing the institute's X-ray facility.

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Revision History (1)

created by Samanthos

Original entry
Start DateJul 6, 1919
End DateMay 6, 1933
DescriptionIn 1919 the non-profit foundation Institute for Sexual Science was founded in Berlin by Magnus Hirschfeld, becoming the first sexology research center in the world. The institute provided a range of endocrinologic and surgical services, including an early form of modern sex reassignment surgery in 1931. Ludwig Levy-Lenz, the institute's primary surgeon for transgender patients, pioneered early facial feminization and masculinization procedures, alongside developing hair removal treatments utilizing the institute's X-ray facility.
Sourceshttps://www.magnus-hirschfeld.de/ausstellungen/institute/ https://archive.org/details/gayberlinbirthpl0000beac