Entry #1312: LGBT housing discrimination in Switzerland

Current Version

IssueLGBT housing discrimination
StatusNo protections
Start Date(unknown)
End Date(none)
DescriptionLaws in force in Switzerland do not offer protection against discrimination based on sexual orientation and “gender identity in housing.
Article 8 of the Federal Constitution
Reports (2)
  • Status is not correct "It’s sexual orientation only "
  • Status is not correct "Ilga Europe says that there is protection on the ground of goods and services for sex.orientation in Swiss"

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Revision History (2)

edited by Nathan. Correction

Old Value (Original) New Value (Current)
ValueSexual orientation and gender identityNo protections
Start DateApr 18, 1999(unknown)
DescriptionLaws in force in Switzerland do not offer protection against discrimination based on sexual orientation and “gender identity in housing.
SourcesArticle 8 of the Federal Constitution
Article 8 of the Federal Constitution
Show Difference
Article 8 of the Federal Constitution http://www.admin.ch/opc/en/classified-compilation/19995395/index.html https://database.ilga.org/switzerland-lgbti Article 8 of the Federal Constitution http://www.admin.ch/opc/en/classified-compilation/19995395/index.html

created by nashtags

Original entry
StatusSexual orientation and gender identity
Start DateApr 18, 1999
End Date(none)
SourcesArticle 8 of the Federal Constitution http://www.admin.ch/opc/en/classified-compilation/19995395/index.html
Reports (2)
  • Status is not correct "Art. 8 in the Swiss constitution doesn't mention sexual orientation or gender identity. "
  • Status is not correct "Article 8 of the Swiss constitution don't talk about sexual orientation or gender identity, it talks about protection from discrimination based on "way of life". "