Entry #11974: Legal recognition of non-binary gender in Paraguay

Current Version

IssueLegal recognition of non-binary gender
StatusNot legally recognized
Start Datepast
End Datenow
DescriptionParaguay does not recognize non-binary identities. Intersex people must be registered as Male or Female.

Revision History (5)

Revision by Humarezft. Short description.

Old Value New Value (Current)
DescriptionIn January 2022 there were cases of "pro-life and pro-families" and other conservative groups expressing their complaint about the "indefinite sex" option on the birth certificate of babies/children with congenital malformations, conjoined twins, hermaphrodites, extremely premature or intersex.

In any case, despite having an "indefinite" sex in certain official identity documents, all newborn intersex people must have their sex marked as "Male or Female" which will be defined by their Parents in the end, thus demolishing every type of gender identity different from that of Man or Woman.
Paraguay does not recognize non-binary identities.
Intersex people must be registered as Male or Female.
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In January 2022 there were cases of "pro-life and pro-families" and other conservative groups expressing their complaint about the "indefinite sex" option on the birth certificate of babies/children with congenital malformations, conjoined twins, hermaphrodites, extremely premature or intersex. In any case, despite having an "indefinite" sex in certain official identity documents, all newborn intersex people must have their sex marked as "Male or Female" which will be defined by their Parents in the end, thus demolishing every type of gender identity different from that of Man or Woman. Paraguay does not recognize non-binary identities. Intersex people must be registered as Male or Female.

Revision by Humarezft

Old Value New Value
Value(REMOVED)Not legally recognized
Special StatusN/A(REMOVED)

Revision by Humarezft

Old Value New Value
Special StatusAmbiguousN/A

Revision by Humarezft

Old Value New Value
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https://www.fandmglobalbarometers.org/countries/paraguay/ https://www.extra.com.py/polemica-el-sexo-indefinido-certificado-nacido-vivo-n2983017.html

Revision by Humarezft

Old Value (Original) New Value
ValueNot legally recognized(REMOVED)
Special Status(REMOVED)Ambiguous
DescriptionParaguay does not legally recognize non-binary identities.In January 2022 there were cases of "pro-life and pro-families" and other conservative groups expressing their complaint about the "indefinite sex" option on the birth certificate of babies/children with congenital malformations, conjoined twins, hermaphrodites, extremely premature or intersex.

In any case, despite having an "indefinite" sex in certain official identity documents, all newborn intersex people must have their sex marked as "Male or Female" which will be defined by their Parents in the end, thus demolishing every type of gender identity different from that of Man or Woman.
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Paraguay does not legally recognize non-binary identities. In January 2022 there were cases of "pro-life and pro-families" and other conservative groups expressing their complaint about the "indefinite sex" option on the birth certificate of babies/children with congenital malformations, conjoined twins, hermaphrodites, extremely premature or intersex. In any case, despite having an "indefinite" sex in certain official identity documents, all newborn intersex people must have their sex marked as "Male or Female" which will be defined by their Parents in the end, thus demolishing every type of gender identity different from that of Man or Woman.

Notdog1996 created this entry.