Entry #11894: Same-sex adoption in Cuba

Current Version

IssueSame-sex adoption
Start DateSep 26, 2022
End Datenow
DescriptionOn 25 September, Cuba held a referendum on the development of a new family code that includes provisions that would legalise same-sex marriage and same-sex adoption. Article 30 and 31 allow for same-sex adoption and explicitly grant the right to couples using forms of assisted reproductive technology. On 26 September, the President of the Cuban National Electoral Council confirmed that the referendum had passed with 66.87% of the vote. They also confirmed the result is valid and binding. The law will come into effect upon formal confirmation, expected 30 September.
Sourceshttps://lopezdoriga.com/internacional/cuba-vota-si-matrimonio-igualitario/ https://www.minjus.gob.cu/sites/default/files/archivos/publicacion/2021-09/Versi%C3%B3n%2022%20del%20Anteproyecto%20del%20C%C3%B3digo%20de%20las%20Familias_0.pdf

Revision History (3)

Revision by Sniddy

Old Value New Value (Current)
Start DateSep 30, 2022Sep 26, 2022

Revision by Sniddy

Old Value New Value
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https://lopezdoriga.com/internacional/cuba-vota-si-matrimonio-igualitario/ https://lopezdoriga.com/internacional/cuba-vota-si-matrimonio-igualitario/ https://www.minjus.gob.cu/sites/default/files/archivos/publicacion/2021-09/Versi%C3%B3n%2022%20del%20Anteproyecto%20del%20C%C3%B3digo%20de%20las%20Familias_0.pdf

Revision by Sniddy

Old Value (Original) New Value
Start DateNov 30, -0001Sep 30, 2022

Sniddy created this entry.