Entry #11706: Legal recognition of non-binary gender in New South Wales

Current Version

RegionNew South Wales
IssueLegal recognition of non-binary gender
StatusNot legally recognized
Start Date(unknown)
End Date(none)
DescriptionNon-binary identities are not yet legally recognized in New South Wales.
Reports (3)
  • Status is not correct "In April 2014, the High Court of Australia ruled that NSW Registry of Births, Deaths and Marriages must record in the register that the sex of May-Welby is "non-specific". Since, people can register their sex as "non-specific" once the person has undergone a sex affirmation procedure."
  • Status is not correct "Non-binary genders on birth certificates are recognised. See: https://www.nsw.gov.au/family-and-relationships/name-changes-and-corrections/change-of-sex"
  • Status is not correct "The High Court of NSW recognised non-binary gender identities for the purposes of birth certificates in 2014 (see https://www.abc.net.au/news/2014-04-02/high-court-recognises-gender-neutral/5361362). Other NSW state departments recognise and accept being recorded as non-binary in line with the Australian Government Guidelines on the Recognition of Sex and Gender (https://www.ag.gov.au/rights-and-protections/publications/australian-government-guidelines-recognition-sex-and-gender)."

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Revision History (1)

created by Notdog1996

Original entry
StatusNot legally recognized
Start Date(unknown)
End Date(none)
DescriptionNon-binary identities are not yet legally recognized in New South Wales.
Sourceshttps://justiceconnect.org.au/resources/how-to-update-your-gender-on-formal-documents-nsw/#:~:text=In%20NSW%2C%20you%20will%20need%20to%20visit%20a,equivalent%20Australian%20authority%29%20that%20states%20your%20gender%20 https://www.nsw.gov.au/family-and-relationships/births/birth-certificates