Entry #11402: Blood donations by MSMs in Iceland

Current Version

IssueBlood donations by MSMs
StatusBanned (indefinite deferral)
Start DateJan 1, 2022
End Datenow
DescriptionIn September 2021 it was announced that gay and bi men would legally be able to donate blood after a deferral period of 4 months. It was stated to be effective from January 2022, but has yet to be effectively enforced.
Sourceshttps://www.aabb.org/news-resources/news/article/2021/09/14/iceland-to-end-indefinite-donor-deferral-of-gay-bisexual-men https://www.visir.is/g/20232414007d/sam-og-tvikynhneigdir-karlar-mega-gefa-blod

Revision History (1)

Revision by Notdog1996. It was never effectively lowered

Old Value (Original) New Value (Current)
ValueBanned (less than 6-month deferral)Banned (indefinite deferral)
DescriptionIn September 2021 it was announced that gay and bi men would legally be able to donate blood after a deferral period of 4 months, effective from January 2022.In September 2021 it was announced that gay and bi men would legally be able to donate blood after a deferral period of 4 months. It was stated to be effective from January 2022, but has yet to be effectively enforced.
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In September 2021 it was announced that gay and bi men would legally be able to donate blood after a deferral period of 4 months, effective from January 2022. months. It was stated to be effective from January 2022, but has yet to be effectively enforced.
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https://www.aabb.org/news-resources/news/article/2021/09/14/iceland-to-end-indefinite-donor-deferral-of-gay-bisexual-men https://www.aabb.org/news-resources/news/article/2021/09/14/iceland-to-end-indefinite-donor-deferral-of-gay-bisexual-men https://www.visir.is/g/20232414007d/sam-og-tvikynhneigdir-karlar-mega-gefa-blod

beeurd created this entry.