Entry #11375: LGBT employment discrimination in Greece

Current Version

IssueLGBT employment discrimination
StatusSexual orientation only
Start DateJul 14, 2005
End DateDec 9, 2016
DescriptionThe Community/Union legislation (directive 2000/78) prohibited discrimination based on sexual orientation in the workspace. Later on it was transferred to the Greek legal order, with law 3304/2005, almost verbatim. The greek translation of the directive and the greek law referred to sexual orientation as “genetic orientation”.
Sourceshttps://www.syntagmawatch.gr/trending-issues/poia-einai-ta-dikaiomata-ton-atomon-pou-anikoun-stin-loatki-koinotita-stin-ellada/ https://www.elinyae.gr/ethniki-nomothesia/n-33042005-fek-16a-2712005

Revision History (1)

Revision by hreestos

Old Value (Original) New Value (Current)
DescriptionThe Community/Union legislation (directive 2000/78/EC) prohibited discrimination based on sexual orientation in the workspace, which was later on transferred to the Greek legal order, with law 3304/2005, almost verbatim. The greek translation referred to sexual orientation as “genetic orientation”.The Community/Union legislation (directive 2000/78) prohibited discrimination based on sexual orientation in the workspace. Later on it was transferred to the Greek legal order, with law 3304/2005, almost verbatim. The greek translation of the directive and the greek law referred to sexual orientation as “genetic orientation”.
Show Difference
The Community/Union legislation (directive 2000/78/EC) prohibited discrimination based on sexual orientation in the workspace, which was later on transferred to the Greek legal order, with law 3304/2005, almost verbatim. The greek translation referred to sexual orientation as “genetic orientation”. 2000/78) prohibited discrimination based on sexual orientation in the workspace. Later on it was transferred to the Greek legal order, with law 3304/2005, almost verbatim. The greek translation of the directive and the greek law referred to sexual orientation as “genetic orientation”.

hreestos created this entry.