Entry #11375: LGBT employment discrimination in Greece

Current Version

IssueLGBT employment discrimination
StatusSexual orientation only
Start DateJul 14, 2005
End DateDec 9, 2016
DescriptionThe Community/Union legislation (directive 2000/78) prohibited discrimination based on sexual orientation in the workspace. Later on it was transferred to the Greek legal order, with law 3304/2005, almost verbatim. The greek translation of the directive and the greek law referred to sexual orientation as “genetic orientation”.

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Revision History (2)

edited by hreestos

Old Value (Original) New Value (Current)
DescriptionThe Community/Union legislation (directive 2000/78/EC) prohibited discrimination based on sexual orientation in the workspace, which was later on transferred to the Greek legal order, with law 3304/2005, almost verbatim. The greek translation referred to sexual orientation as “genetic orientation”.The Community/Union legislation (directive 2000/78) prohibited discrimination based on sexual orientation in the workspace. Later on it was transferred to the Greek legal order, with law 3304/2005, almost verbatim. The greek translation of the directive and the greek law referred to sexual orientation as “genetic orientation”.
Show Difference
The Community/Union legislation (directive 2000/78/EC) prohibited discrimination based on sexual orientation in the workspace, which was later on transferred to the Greek legal order, with law 3304/2005, almost verbatim. The greek translation referred to sexual orientation as “genetic orientation”. 2000/78) prohibited discrimination based on sexual orientation in the workspace. Later on it was transferred to the Greek legal order, with law 3304/2005, almost verbatim. The greek translation of the directive and the greek law referred to sexual orientation as “genetic orientation”.

created by hreestos

Original entry
StatusSexual orientation only
Start DateJul 14, 2005
End DateDec 9, 2016
DescriptionThe Community/Union legislation (directive 2000/78/EC) prohibited discrimination based on sexual orientation in the workspace, which was later on transferred to the Greek legal order, with law 3304/2005, almost verbatim. The greek translation referred to sexual orientation as “genetic orientation”.
Sourceshttps://www.syntagmawatch.gr/trending-issues/poia-einai-ta-dikaiomata-ton-atomon-pou-anikoun-stin-loatki-koinotita-stin-ellada/ https://www.elinyae.gr/ethniki-nomothesia/n-33042005-fek-16a-2712005