Entry #101: Serving openly in military in Brazil

Current Version

IssueServing openly in military
Start DateOct 1969
End DateJan 2013
DescriptionThere has never been any specific law banning homosexuals from serving in the army. However, Article 235 of 1969 of the Military Penal Code, which prohibits the "practice of a libidinous act, homosexual or not", was often used to persecute gays in the military and try to expel them.

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Revision History (4)

edited by Sky. Small correction of the date.

Old Value New Value (Current)
Start DateJan 1969Oct 1969

edited by Sky. Small correction of the description.

Old Value New Value
Start DateOct 1969Jan 1969
DescriptionThere has never been any specific law banning homosexuals from serving in the army. However, Article 235 of 1969, which prohibits the "practice of a libidinous act, homosexual or not", was often used to persecute gays in the military and try to expel them.There has never been any specific law banning homosexuals from serving in the army. However, Article 235 of 1969 of the Military Penal Code, which prohibits the "practice of a libidinous act, homosexual or not", was often used to persecute gays in the military and try to expel them.
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There has never been any specific law banning homosexuals from serving in the army. However, Article 235 of 1969, which prohibits the "practice of a libidinous act, homosexual or not", was often used to persecute gays in the military and try to expel them. 1969 of the Military Penal Code, which prohibits the "practice of a libidinous act, homosexual or not", was often used to persecute gays in the military and try to expel them.

edited by Sky. Correction of the date and addition of more information.

Old Value (Original) New Value
Special Status(REMOVED)Ambiguous
Start DateAug 2005Oct 1969
End Date(none)Jan 2013
DescriptionThere has never been any specific law banning homosexuals from serving in the army. However, Article 235 of 1969, which prohibits the "practice of a libidinous act, homosexual or not", was often used to persecute gays in the military and try to expel them.
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http://jus.com.br/artigos/8206/a-pratica-da-pederastia-e-crime-militar http://www.jusmilitaris.com.br/novo/uploads/docs/homossexualismo_militar.pdf http://noticias.r7.com/brasil/noticias/defesa-admite-rever-lei-que-da-margem-a-punicao-de-gays-nas-forcas-armadas-20100204.html http://www.diariodepernambuco.com.br/app/noticia/vida-urbana/2013/08/08/interna_vidaurbana,454934/justica-e-favoravel-a-uniao-gay-no-exercito.shtml http://jus.com.br/artigos/8206/a-pratica-da-pederastia-e-crime-militar https://www.cartacapital.com.br/sociedade/direitos-lgbt-do-que-os-militares-tem-medo-8168/amp/

created by celoafonso

Original entry
Start DateAug 2005
End Date(none)
Sourceshttp://jus.com.br/artigos/8206/a-pratica-da-pederastia-e-crime-militar http://www.jusmilitaris.com.br/novo/uploads/docs/homossexualismo_militar.pdf http://noticias.r7.com/brasil/noticias/defesa-admite-rever-lei-que-da-margem-a-punicao-de-gays-nas-forcas-armadas-20100204.html http://www.diariodepernambuco.com.br/app/noticia/vida-urbana/2013/08/08/interna_vidaurbana,454934/justica-e-favoravel-a-uniao-gay-no-exercito.shtml
Reports (2)
  • Duplicate entry
  • Status is not correct "Military code: http://www.planalto.gov.br/ccivil_03/decreto-lei/del1001.htm Article 235: :” Pederastia ou outro ato de libidinagem Art. 235. Praticar, ou permitir o militar que com êle se pratique ato libidinoso, homossexual ou não, em lugar sujeito a administração militar: Pena - detenção, de seis meses a um ano.“ The country has a tipification of crime in the Armed forces called “Pederasty or other libidinous acts” that says that “libidinous acts, homossexual or not” cannot be practiced in places subject to military administration. As military law is often conducted by oficials that do not have law degrees, there is still punishment for LGBTQAI+ people in the Armed Forces based on that law and the typification of houses subsidised by the armed forces as “places subject to military administration” "