Entry #10051: Blood donations by MSMs in United Kingdom

Current Version

RegionUnited Kingdom
IssueBlood donations by MSMs
Start DateJun 14, 2021
End Datenow
DescriptionThe 3-month deferral for MSM has been dropped in England, Wales and Scotland. Instead, donors of any gender will be asked about their recent sexual activity, and those who have only had one sexual partner within the last 3-months will be eligible to donate. Northern Ireland is due to follow suit with these changes in September 2021.
Sourceshttps://www.blood.co.uk/news-and-campaigns/news-and-statements/landmark-change-to-blood-donation-eligibility-rules-on-today-s-world-blood-donor-day/ https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-northern-ireland-57425071

Revision History (1)

Revision by chae

Old Value (Original) New Value (Current)

beeurd created this entry.