jbmacluckie Moderator

Young professional in communication & competitive intelligence. I'm a social media enthusiast, so feel free to get in touch with me :)
Location: FranceJoined
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jbmacluckie edited an entry in Bahrain.
Homosexual activity: Legal from Mar 20, 1976 to now.
Bahrain may consider homosexuality as "immoral", although homosexual activity is not explicitly illegal.
jbmacluckie edited an entry in Bahrain.
Homosexual activity: Legal from Mar 20, 1976 to now.
jbmacluckie added an entry in France.
LGBT housing discrimination: Sexual orientation and gender identity from Jul 6, 1989 to now.
jbmacluckie edited an entry in France.
LGBT employment discrimination: Sexual orientation only from Nov 27, 2000 to now.
jbmacluckie edited an entry in France.
LGBT employment discrimination: Sexual orientation and gender identity from Nov 27, 2000 to now.
jbmacluckie added an entry in France.
LGBT employment discrimination: Sexual orientation only from Nov 27, 2000 to Jul 31, 2012.
jbmacluckie added an entry in France.
Equal age of consent: Equal from Aug 4, 1982 to now.
The age of consent in France is 15 for both male-male, female-female, and male-female sex.
jbmacluckie added an entry in France.
Blood donations by MSMs: Banned (indefinite deferral) from Jun 20, 1983 to Jul 9, 2016.
In 1983, in response to the HIV epidemic, the Directorate General of Health banned MSMs from donating blood indefinitely. This ban was reiterated in 2009.
jbmacluckie added an entry in France.
LGBT discrimination: Illegal from Dec 30, 2004 to now.
jbmacluckie added an entry in France.
Same-sex adoption: Legal from May 17, 2013 to now.
Same-sex couples have been legally able to adopt children since May 2013, when the same-sex marriage law took effect. The first joint adoption by a same-sex couple was announced on 18 October 2013.
Sources: legifrance.gouv.fr/affichTexte.do;jsessionid=?cidTexte=JORFTEXT000027414540&dateTexte=&oldAction=rechJO&categorieLien=id
jbmacluckie added an entry in France.
Same-sex marriage: Legal from May 18, 2013 to now.
France passed comprehensive same-sex marriage legislation in 2013; entitling gay and lesbian people to equal marriage rights in Metropolitan France and all its overseas departments. France was the…
Sources: legifrance.gouv.fr/affichTexte.do;jsessionid=?cidTexte=JORFTEXT000027414540&dateTexte=&oldAction=rechJO&categorieLien=id
jbmacluckie added an entry in France.
Homosexual activity: Legal from Sep 25, 1791 to now.
The law of 1791 decriminalized homosexual activity, however, it does not recognize homosexuality itself.