Entry #855: Equal age of consent in Djibouti

Current Version

IssueEqual age of consent
Start Datepast
End Datenow
DescriptionAge of consent is 18.

Revision History (3)

Revision by Pizzaslices412653. Age of consent is equal in Djibouti

Old Value New Value (Current)
Special StatusAmbiguousEqual
DescriptionAge of consent is 18, however, the age of consent for homosexuals in Djibouti may not be equal due to ambiguous status.Age of consent is 18.
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Age of consent is 18, however, the age of consent for homosexuals in Djibouti may not be equal due to ambiguous status. 18.

Revision by JordanB3047

Old Value New Value
Special Status(REMOVED)Ambiguous
DescriptionNo, the age of consent for LGBTQ people in Djibouti is not equal.Age of consent is 18, however, the age of consent for homosexuals in Djibouti may not be equal due to ambiguous status.
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No, the age of consent for LGBTQ people in Djibouti is not equal. Age of consent is 18, however, the age of consent for homosexuals in Djibouti may not be equal due to ambiguous status.

Revision by omalpau

Old Value (Original) New Value
DescriptionNo, the age of consent for LGBTQ people in Djibouti is not equal.
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No, the age of consent for LGBTQ people in Djibouti is not equal.

robertshippey created this entry.