Entry #27: Homosexual activity in South Africa

Current Version

RegionSouth Africa
IssueHomosexual activity
Start DateOct 9, 1998
End Date(none)
DescriptionWhile it remained illegal until the court gave its ruling on 9 October 1998, the 1998 ruling was ordered to be retroactively applied to 27 April 1994.
Reports (1)
  • Status is not correct

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Revision History (2)

edited by imullin01

Old Value (Original) New Value (Current)
Start DateFeb 4, 1997Oct 9, 1998
DescriptionWhile it remained illegal until the court gave its ruling on 9 October 1998, the 1998 ruling was ordered to be retroactively applied to 27 April 1994.
Show Difference
http://www.info.gov.za/documents/constitution/1996/96cons2.htm#9 http://www.info.gov.za/documents/constitution/1996/96cons2.htm#9 http://www.saflii.org/za/cases/ZACC/1998/15.html

created by brennen

Original entry
Start DateFeb 4, 1997
End Date(none)
Reports (1)
  • Date is incorrect "In the case of "National Coalition for Gay and Lesbian Equality and Another v Minister of Justice and Others" (http://www.saflii.org/za/cases/ZACC/1998/15.html) the Constitutional Court struck down the sodomy laws retroactively to 27 April 1994."