Entry #14336: Gender-affirming care in Dominican Republic

Current Version

RegionDominican Republic
IssueGender-affirming care
Start Date(unknown)
End Date(none)
DescriptionThe hormonal transition of trans people is not medically banned but is not recognized by the state anywhere in the criminal code therefore there are no protections for trans or non-binary people and any demographics that may fall into that section.
SourcesEnglish Resources



Spanish Resources


Federal LawYes

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Revision History (1)

created by sashaelfxp

Original entry
Federal LawYes
Start Date(unknown)
End Date(none)
DescriptionThe hormonal transition of trans people is not medically banned but is not recognized by the state anywhere in the criminal code therefore there are no protections for trans or non-binary people and any demographics that may fall into that section.
SourcesEnglish Resources https://www.hrw.org/news/2024/08/30/dominican-republic-court-reviews-laws-against-gay-sex https://monitor.civicus.org/explore/new-penal-code-sparks-protests-human-rights-groups-dominican-republic-avqe/ Spanish Resources https://www.diariolibre.com/actualidad/revuelo-en-redes-porque-quitan-del-nuevo-codigo-penal-la-discriminacion-por-orientacion-sexual-y-genero-NE27236847 https://www.diariolibre.com/actualidad/politica/codigo-penal-eximiria-de-pena-por-discriminacion-por-preferencia-u-orientacion-sexual-o-genero-CC27253436