Entry #13465: Gender-affirming care in Iran

Current Version

IssueGender-affirming care
Start Date(unknown)
End DateJan 1, 1987
DescriptionMedically transitioning in Iran was illegal prior to 1987.

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Revision History (2)

edited by fem_enby_queen_07769. This entry was simply incorrect.

Old Value (Original) New Value (Current)
ValueLegal, but restricted for minorsBanned
Start Date1987(unknown)
End Date2013Jan 1, 1987
DescriptionSince 1987, transgender women in Iran, based on the Fatwa of Ali Khamenei, have had the opportunity to undergo medical transition and function fully in society as women.Medically transitioning in Iran was illegal prior to 1987.
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Since 1987, transgender women in Iran, based on the Fatwa of Ali Khamenei, have had the opportunity to undergo medical transition and function fully in society as women. Medically transitioning in Iran was illegal prior to 1987.
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https://www.researchgate.net/publication/265737439_Transsexuality_under_Surveillance_in_Iran_Clerical_Control_of_Khomeini's_Fatwas https://www.researchgate.net/publication/265737439_Transsexuality_under_Surveillance_in_Iran_Clerical_Control_of_Khomeini's_Fatwas https://www.us-iran.org/resources/2021/7/15/homosexuality-gender-assignment-in-iran https://ilga.org/trans-legal-mapping-report/

created by JuliaB

Original entry
StatusLegal, but restricted for minors
Start Date1987
End Date2013
DescriptionSince 1987, transgender women in Iran, based on the Fatwa of Ali Khamenei, have had the opportunity to undergo medical transition and function fully in society as women.