Entry #11672: Censorship of LGBT Issues in Arkansas

Current Version

IssueCensorship of LGBT Issues
StatusNo censorship
Start Datepast
End DateMar 14, 2023
DescriptionLGBTQ discussion allowed in all schools, in some contexts, parents get permission slips to decide whether their student will be part of a lesson.

Revision History (3)

Revision by Notdog1996. Added end date

Old Value New Value (Current)
End Date(NONE)Mar 14, 2023

Revision by tsusamu

Old Value New Value
Value(REMOVED)No censorship
Special StatusAmbiguous(REMOVED)

Revision by tsusamu

Old Value (Original) New Value
DescriptionLGBTQ discussion allowed in all schools, parents can choose to have their kids not participate.LGBTQ discussion allowed in all schools, in some contexts, parents get permission slips to decide whether their student will be part of a lesson.
Show Difference
LGBTQ discussion allowed in all schools, parents can choose to have their kids not participate. in some contexts, parents get permission slips to decide whether their student will be part of a lesson.

tsusamu created this entry.