Entry #11600: Serving openly in military in Jordan

Current Version

IssueServing openly in military
StatusDon't Ask, Don't Tell
Start Datepast
End Datenow
DescriptionLGBTQ+ personnel are not asked about their sexuality to serve in Jordan's military.

Revision History (4)

Revision by Ratabzoo. Fixed some more typos

Old Value New Value (Current)
DescriptionLGBTQ+ personel are not asked about their sexuallity to serve Jordan's military.LGBTQ+ personnel are not asked about their sexuality to serve in Jordan's military.
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LGBTQ+ personel are not asked about their sexuallity to serve Jordan's military. personnel are not asked about their sexuality to serve in Jordan's military.

Revision by danlev. Fixing typo

Old Value New Value
DescriptionLGBTQ+ personel are not asked about their sexuallity to serve Jordan's milittaryLGBTQ+ personel are not asked about their sexuallity to serve Jordan's military.
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LGBTQ+ personel are not asked about their sexuallity to serve Jordan's milittary military.

Revision by omalpau

Old Value New Value
DescriptionLGBTQ+ personel can serve the military but without being openly homosexual.LGBTQ+ personel are not asked about their sexuallity to serve Jordan's milittary
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LGBTQ+ personel can serve the military but without being openly homosexual. are not asked about their sexuallity to serve Jordan's milittary

Revision by omalpau

Old Value (Original) New Value
ValueIllegalDon't Ask, Don't Tell
DescriptionLGBTQ+ personel can't openly serve the military.LGBTQ+ personel can serve the military but without being openly homosexual.
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LGBTQ+ personel can't openly serve the military. can serve the military but without being openly homosexual.

omalpau created this entry.