Entry #11242: Homosexual activity in Kosovo

Current Version

IssueHomosexual activity
Start DateAug 9, 1858
End DateAug 30, 1913
DescriptionIn 1858, the Ottoman Empire, then in control of Kosovo, legalized same-sex intercourse.

Revision History (1)

Revision by Aleksandar. Dates, description

Old Value (Original) New Value (Current)
Start Date1858Aug 9, 1858
End Date1929Aug 30, 1913
DescriptionHomosexuality was legal from 1858 to 1929, in 1929 however, it was criminalized. It took until 2008 (when the kosovo constitution was written) to have it decriminalized.In 1858, the Ottoman Empire, then in control of Kosovo, legalized same-sex intercourse.
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Homosexuality was legal from 1858 to 1929, in 1929 however, it was criminalized. It took until 2008 (when the kosovo constitution was written) to have it decriminalized. In 1858, the Ottoman Empire, then in control of Kosovo, legalized same-sex intercourse.

Guy created this entry.