Compare LGBT Rights in Balkan

Equality Index ?Not enough data
Legal Index ?Not enough data
Public Opinion Index ?Not enough data
Homosexual activityMale illegal, female legal
Since 1999
Same-sex marriageBanned
Since 1992
Censorship of LGBT IssuesState-enforced
Since 2022
Right to change legal genderLegal, but requires surgery
Since 1972
Gender-Affirming CareLegal
Since 1999
Legal recognition of non-binary genderNot legally recognized
LGBT discriminationNo protections
Since 1992
LGBT employment discriminationNo protections
Since 1992
LGBT housing discriminationNo protections
Since 1992
Same-sex adoptionIllegal
Intersex infant surgeryUnknown
Serving openly in militaryIllegal
Blood donations by MSMsN/A
Conversion therapyNot banned
Equal age of consentFemale equal, male N/A
Since 2014
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