Notdog1996 Moderator

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Notdog1996 edited an entry in Canada.
"I forgot a period in the second paragraph, sorry"
Gender-Affirming Care: Restricted from Jan 1, 1969 to 2000.
In 1969, the first gender identity clinic opened in Toronto at the Clarke Institute of Psychiatry and the first gender-affirming surgery in Canada was performed in 1970. To qualify, applicants…
Notdog1996 edited an entry in Canada.
"More accurate status, as there were a ton of restrictions"
Gender-Affirming Care: Restricted from Jan 1, 1969 to 2000.
In 1969, the first gender identity clinic opened in Toronto at the Clarke Institute of Psychiatry and the first gender-affirming surgery in Canada was performed in 1970. To qualify, applicants…
Notdog1996 edited an entry in Canada.
"Correction of dates. Transition care started being available in 1969"
Gender-Affirming Care: Restricted for minors from Jan 1, 1969 to 2000.
In 1969, the first gender identity clinic opened in Toronto at the Clarke Institute of Psychiatry and the first gender-affirming surgery in Canada was performed in 1970. In 1979, Canada adopted…
Notdog1996 edited an entry in Canada.
"Wrong date. A gender transition clinic opened in 1969"
Gender-Affirming Care: Banned from past to Jan 1, 1969.
Medical transition was not possible in Canada at the time.
Notdog1996 edited an entry in Canada.
"Reverting entry. Healthcare is provincial in Canada, and it's especially important to mention as some province move to restrict care."
Gender-Affirming Care: Legal from 2000 to now.
Gender-affirming care falls under provincial jurisdiction. Currently no province or territory restricts it, however some provinces like Alberta have spoken about restricting or outright banning care…
Notdog1996 added an entry in British Columbia.
Gender-Affirming Care: Legal from past to now.
British Columbia covers the following procedures: -Chest construction (including reduction) -Orchiectomy -Hysterectomy with bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy -Vaginoplasty -Vulvoplasty -Clitoral…
Notdog1996 added an entry in Newfoundland and Labrador.
Gender-Affirming Care: Legal from past to now.
Newfoundland and Labrador cover the following procedures: -Breast augmentation (when no breast development for 18 months of hormone therapy) -Mastectomy with chest masculinization (excluding…
Notdog1996 added an entry in Prince Edward Island.
Gender-Affirming Care: Legal from past to now.
Prince Edward Island covers the following procedures: -Hysterectomy -Mastectomy with chest masculinization -Breast augmentation -Metoidioplasty -Clitoral release -Erectile/testicular…
Notdog1996 edited an entry in Canada.
"Adding source"
Gender-Affirming Care: Legal from 1990 to now.
Gender-affirming care falls under provincial jurisdiction. Currently no province or territory restricts it, however some provinces like Alberta have spoken about restricting or outright banning care…
Notdog1996 deleted an entry in region.
"Duplicate entry"
Gender-Affirming Care: from Apr 27, 2024 to Apr 27, 2024.
Notdog1996 added an entry in Nova Scotia.
Gender-Affirming Care: Legal from past to now.
Nova Scotia covers the following procedures: -Hysterectomy -Oophorectomy (only available in NS) -Orchiectomy -Penectomy -Breast augmentation -Breast reduction -Chest masculinization/mastectomy…
Notdog1996 added an entry in Canada.
Gender-Affirming Care: Legal from 2000 to now.
Gender-affirming care falls under provincial jurisdiction. Currently no province or territory restricts it, however some provinces like Alberta have spoken about restricting or outright banning care…
Notdog1996 added an entry in New Brunswick.
Gender-Affirming Care: Legal from past to now.
New-Brunswick covers the following procedures: -Hormone therapy -Mastectomy with chest masculinization (for trans-masculine patients) -Vaginoplasty (including: penectomy, orchidectomy…
Notdog1996 added an entry in Ontario.
Gender-Affirming Care: Legal from past to now.
Ontario covers the following procedures: -Assessment for hormone therapy -Counselling -Augmentation mammoplasty or mastectomy -Private clinic stay and/or ministry-approved services outside…
Notdog1996 added an entry in Manitoba.
Gender-Affirming Care: Legal from past to now.
The following procedures are covered in Manitoba: -Chest masculinization -Hysterectomy and oophorectomy -Metoidioplasty -Orchiectomy -Penectomy -Vaginoplasty -Feminizing voice therapy -Laser…
Notdog1996 added an entry in Saskatchewan.
Gender-Affirming Care: Legal from past to now.
Saskatchewan currently covers the following procedures: -Hysterectomy -Mastectomy -Oophorectomy -Metoidioplasty -Orchiectomy -Vaginoplasty (with or without vaginal canal) -Phalloplasty -Voice…
Notdog1996 added an entry in Northwest Territories.
Gender-Affirming Care: Legal from past to now.
Northwest Territories currently cover mastectomies and genital surgeries (vaginoplasty, phalloplasty, metoidioplasty and clitoral release). In some cases, they cover breast augmentation if a patient…
Notdog1996 added an entry in Northwest Territories.
Intersex infant surgery: Not banned from past to now.
There is currently no law banning or monitoring surgery on intersex infants in Northwest Territories.
Notdog1996 added an entry in Yukon.
Gender-Affirming Care: Legal from past to now.
Yukon currently covers most gender-affirming care a person could request. The list was vastly expended in 2021, making Yukon the one that covers the most gender-affirming care among all provinces…
Notdog1996 added an entry in Nunavut.
Gender-Affirming Care: Legal from past to now.
The government of Nunavut is partnering with the Montreal GRS to provide gender reassignment surgeries. Most care requires assessments and referrals from specialists. Among the care covered…
Notdog1996 added an entry in Nunavut.
Intersex infant surgery: Not banned from past to now.
There is currently no laws in Nunavut banning or monitoring surgeries on intersex infants.
Notdog1996 added an entry in Yukon.
Intersex infant surgery: Not banned from past to now.
No laws currently exist to ban or monitor surgeries on intersex infants in Yukon. However, the territory allows parents to register their child with an X gender marker instead of forcing them to…
Notdog1996 added an entry in Newfoundland and Labrador.
Intersex infant surgery: Not banned from past to now.
Currently there are no laws banning or monitoring surgeries on intersex infants in Newfoundland and Labrador.
Notdog1996 added an entry in Prince Edward Island.
Intersex infant surgery: Not banned from past to now.
Currently there are no laws banning or monitoring surgery on intersex infants on Prince-Edward Island.
Notdog1996 added an entry in Nova Scotia.
Intersex infant surgery: Not banned from past to now.
Currently there are no laws banning or monitoring surgeries on intersex infants in Nova Scotia.
Notdog1996 added an entry in Saskatchewan.
Intersex infant surgery: Not banned from past to now.
Currently there are no laws banning or monitoring surgeries on intersex infants in Saskatchewan.
Notdog1996 added an entry in New Brunswick.
Intersex infant surgery: Not banned from past to now.
Currently there are no laws banning or monitoring surgeries on intersex infants in New-Brunswick.
Notdog1996 added an entry in Manitoba.
Intersex infant surgery: Not banned from past to now.
Currently there are no laws banning or monitoring surgeries on intersex infants in Manitoba.
Notdog1996 added an entry in Alberta.
Intersex infant surgery: Not banned from past to now.
Currently there are no laws banning or monitoring genital surgeries on intersex infants in Alberta.
Notdog1996 added an entry in Canada.
Gender-Affirming Care: Banned from past to Jan 1, 1969.
Medical transition was not possible in Canada at the time.