Entry #2020: Blood donations by MSMs in Bulgaria

Current Version

IssueBlood donations by MSMs
Start Datepast
End Datenow
DescriptionGay and bisexual men are not explicitly banned from donating blood in Bulgaria. However, the blood donor application form, required prior to any blood donation, does not ask the applicant to disclose that information, rather requires them to confirm that they did not partake in practices (sexual included) that increase the risk of HIV or other STIs. The consent form is detailed in an ordinance issued by Bulgaria's Ministry of Healthcare on 19 July 2004.

Revision History (3)

Revision by Notdog1996. Put back the info that was removed before.

Old Value New Value (Current)
DescriptionGay and bisexual men are not banned from donating blood in Bulgaria.Gay and bisexual men are not explicitly banned from donating blood in Bulgaria. However, the blood donor application form, required prior to any blood donation, does not ask the applicant to disclose that information, rather requires them to confirm that they did not partake in practices (sexual included) that increase the risk of HIV or other STIs. The consent form is detailed in an ordinance issued by Bulgaria's Ministry of Healthcare on 19 July 2004.
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Gay and bisexual men are not banned from donating blood in Bulgaria. explicitly banned from donating blood in Bulgaria. However, the blood donor application form, required prior to any blood donation, does not ask the applicant to disclose that information, rather requires them to confirm that they did not partake in practices (sexual included) that increase the risk of HIV or other STIs. The consent form is detailed in an ordinance issued by Bulgaria's Ministry of Healthcare on 19 July 2004.
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https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5770309/ https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5770309/

Revision by Canadianstudent03. The previous source cited Wikipedia

Old Value New Value
ValueLegal with restrictionsLegal
Gay and bisexual men are not explicitly banned from donating blood in Bulgaria. However, the blood donor application form, required prior to any blood donation, does not ask the applicant to disclose that information, rather requires them to confirm that they did not partake in practices (sexual included) that increase the risk of HIV or other STIs. The consent form is detailed in an ordinance issued by Bulgaria's Ministry of Healthcare on 19 July 2004
Gay and bisexual men are not banned from donating blood in Bulgaria.
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Gay and bisexual men are not explicitly banned from donating blood in Bulgaria. However, the blood donor application form, required prior to any blood donation, does not ask the applicant to disclose that information, rather requires them to confirm that they did not partake in practices (sexual included) that increase the risk of HIV or other STIs. The consent form is detailed in an ordinance issued by Bulgaria's Ministry of Healthcare on 19 July 2004 Gay and bisexual men are not banned from donating blood in Bulgaria.

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https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/LGBT_rights_in_Bulgaria https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5770309/

Revision by Vito12. If this is wrong please change it

Old Value (Original) New Value
ValueLegalLegal with restrictions
DescriptionNo restrictions about gay sex.
Gay and bisexual men are not explicitly banned from donating blood in Bulgaria. However, the blood donor application form, required prior to any blood donation, does not ask the applicant to disclose that information, rather requires them to confirm that they did not partake in practices (sexual included) that increase the risk of HIV or other STIs. The consent form is detailed in an ordinance issued by Bulgaria's Ministry of Healthcare on 19 July 2004
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No restrictions about gay sex. Gay and bisexual men are not explicitly banned from donating blood in Bulgaria. However, the blood donor application form, required prior to any blood donation, does not ask the applicant to disclose that information, rather requires them to confirm that they did not partake in practices (sexual included) that increase the risk of HIV or other STIs. The consent form is detailed in an ordinance issued by Bulgaria's Ministry of Healthcare on 19 July 2004


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http://www.bbc.com/mundo/noticias/2015/12/151222_salud_paises_prohiben_donar_sangre_homosexuales_lv https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/LGBT_rights_in_Bulgaria
Reports (1)
  • All information is correct, just adding sources "Official source: https://ncth.bg/kak-da-pomogna/faq"

Simo created this entry.