Entry #767: LGBT employment discrimination in Mauritius

Current Version

IssueLGBT employment discrimination
StatusSexual orientation only
Start Date2008
End Datenow
DescriptionArticle 2 of the Equal Opportunities Act 2008, prohibits discrimination in employment and other activities on many grounds, including sexual orientation.
Sourceshttp://old.ilga.org/Statehomophobia/ILGA_State_Sponsored_Homophobia_2013.pdf : http://www.ilo.org/wcmsp5/groups/public/--- ed_protect/---protrav/---ilo_aids/documents/legaldocument/wcms_126781.pdf.

Revision History (1)

Revision by Unknownmiles. Fixing grammar

Old Value (Original) New Value (Current)
Descriptione page 8 of the Equal Opportunities Act 2008, which prohibits discrimination in employment and other activities on
many grounds, including ‘sexual orientation
Article 2 of the Equal Opportunities Act 2008, prohibits discrimination in employment and other activities on
many grounds, including sexual orientation.
Show Difference
e page 8 of the Equal Opportunities Act 2008, which prohibits discrimination in employment and other activities on many grounds, including ‘sexual orientation Article 2 of the Equal Opportunities Act 2008, prohibits discrimination in employment and other activities on many grounds, including sexual orientation.

murrayhawthorne created this entry.