Entry #523: Homosexual activity in Colombia

Current Version

IssueHomosexual activity
Start DateJun 24, 2000
End Datenow
DescriptionIt has been legal since 1988 but the current criminal code was enacted in 2000.
Reports (2)
  • Date is incorrect "In 1980 the decree 100 decriminalised homosexual activity. The decree just erase any consideration towards homosexuality. The current criminal code(2000) states clearly that any crime inspired by sexual orientation increases the penance. (Article 58~3) Source Criminal code(2000) http://www.alcaldiabogota.gov.co/sisjur/normas/Norma1.jsp?i=6388"
  • Date is incorrect "It is legal since 1980"

vviet93 created this entry.

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