Entry #2559: LGBT employment discrimination in Slovakia

Current Version

IssueLGBT employment discrimination
StatusSexual orientation and gender identity
Start DateJan 1, 2004
End Datenow
DescriptionAct No. 365/2004 on Equal treatment gives protections for LGB People, Trans people would be covered later on when the act was amended in 2018

Revision History (3)

Revision by Canadianstudent03. Minor mistakes made prior

Old Value New Value (Current)
ValueSexual orientation onlySexual orientation and gender identity
Start DateJan 1, 2008Jan 1, 2004
DescriptionUnder the amendment in the Anti-Discrimination Act, Gays and lesbians are protected, trans people have yet to receive any protection Act No. 365/2004 on Equal treatment gives protections for LGB People, Trans people would be covered later on when the act was amended in 2018
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Under the amendment in the Anti-Discrimination Act, Gays and lesbians are protected, trans people have yet to receive any protection Act No. 365/2004 on Equal treatment gives protections for LGB People, Trans people would be covered later on when the act was amended in 2018

Revision by JohnQuebec98. Somewhat inaccurate when it comes to trans rights

Old Value New Value
ValueSexual orientation and gender identitySexual orientation only
DescriptionUnder the amendment in the Anti-Discrimination Act. Under the amendment in the Anti-Discrimination Act, Gays and lesbians are protected, trans people have yet to receive any protection
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Under the amendment in the Anti-Discrimination Act. Act, Gays and lesbians are protected, trans people have yet to receive any protection
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Revision by Ausyk

Old Value (Original) New Value
ValueSexual orientation onlySexual orientation and gender identity
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Ausyk created this entry.