Entry #12468: Homosexual activity in Poland

Current Version

IssueHomosexual activity
Start DateJan 1, 1945
End DateJan 1, 1970
DescriptionThe 1932 law came into force in Poland again after World War II, but it included homosexual prostitution as a punishable offense. Homosexuality in Poland was fully decriminalized only in 1970.
Sourceshttps://demagog.org.pl/wypowiedzi/czy-w-polsce-homoseksualizm-nigdy-nie-byl-karany/ https://issuu.com/krytykapolityczna/docs/oni._homoseksuali_ci_w_czasie_ii_w_-_fragment
Reports (1)
  • Date is incorrect "The 1932 act was announced on 1932-07-11, published on 1932-07-15, and entered into force on 1932-09-01, not in 1945. https://isap.sejm.gov.pl/isap.nsf/DocDetails.xsp?id=WDU19320600571 I'm also not sure if it makes sense keeping the date 1970 just because of the penalization of homosexual prostitution, using this logic homosexual activity should still be marked as illegal in the US."

JuliaB created this entry.

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