Entry #11544: in region

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Last Version

Start DateNov 1, 2021
End Datenow
DescriptionOn São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro it's legally recognized the Non-Binary identity on documents.
Sourceshttps://defensoria.rj.def.br/noticia/detalhes/13973-Genero-nao-binarie-e-incluido-em-certidoes-de-nascimento https://agenciabrasil.ebc.com.br/radioagencia-nacional/direitos-humanos/audio/2020-09/justica-do-rj-reconhece-direito-de-pessoa-nao-binaria-mudar-documentos https://pautaindependente.com.br/documentos-agora-podem-constar-genero-nao-binario/ https://www.jota.info/justica/nao-binario-documento-tjsp-01112021
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Revision History (1)

edited by Etlot

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