Entry #278: Same-sex marriage in North Korea

Current Version

RegionNorth Korea
IssueSame-sex marriage
Start Datepast
End Datenow
DescriptionDepiction in media of affection in North Korea tend to be very rare, and no law against gay marriage exists in the constitution.

Revision History (8)

Revision by danlev. Merging duplicate entries. Additional sources and research are needed.

Old Value New Value (Current)
End DateNov 30, -0001(NONE)

Revision by Daniel455907. There is a law against gay marriage

Old Value New Value
End Date(NONE)Nov 30, -0001

Revision by Markissik. Since there's no constitutional ban (according to the description), more correct would be Unrecognized

Old Value New Value

Revision by GeorgieTheOrgie. Inaccurate Status

Old Value New Value
Special StatusN/A(REMOVED)

Revision by JordanB3047

Old Value New Value
Special StatusAmbiguousN/A
End Date-0001(NONE)
Reports (1)
  • Newer law has been passed

Revision by im_h_DEACTIVATED

Old Value New Value
Start DateSep 14, 1948(NONE)
End Date(NONE)-0001

Revision by JordanB3047

Old Value New Value
Special Status(REMOVED)Ambiguous
DescriptionNorth Korean depictions of love and marriage remain heterosexist however, the North Korean government has liberalized its views on marriage and love as private matters between consenting adults.Depiction in media of affection in North Korea tend to be very rare, and no law against gay marriage exists in the constitution.
Show Difference
North Korean depictions of love and marriage remain heterosexist however, the North Korean government has liberalized its views on marriage and love as private matters between consenting adults. Depiction in media of affection in North Korea tend to be very rare, and no law against gay marriage exists in the constitution.

Revision by maddyksf

Old Value (Original) New Value
Special StatusAmbiguous(REMOVED)
Reports (2)
  • Status is not correct "Ambiguous. Depiction in media of affection in North Korea tend to be very rare, and no law against gay marriage exists in the constitution."
  • Status is not correct "Illegal"

bradcoffey106 created this entry.