Entry #272: Same-sex adoption in Indonesia

Current Version

IssueSame-sex adoption
StatusSingle only
Start Datepast
End Datenow
DescriptionSame-sex couples are legally prohibited from adopting children in Indonesia by a joint adoption. In theory, a single person may adopt, but the prospective parent must be in a marriage recognized by Indonesia which is heterosexual according to national law, making it virtually impossible for same-sex couples to adopt children.
Sourceshttp://www.sayapibujakarta.org/ind/adopsi.html https://www.hukumonline.com/klinik/detail/ulasan/lt58536910d0461/bolehkah-isingle-parent-i-mengadopsi-anak/ https://dukcapil.gunungkidulkab.go.id/ini-tata-cara-mengadopsi-anak-sesuai-undang-undang/

Revision History (6)

Revision by LGBTsoutheastasian. updated

Old Value New Value (Current)
ValueIllegalSingle only

Revision by ignatiusnathanl. Change status to illegal

Old Value New Value
ValueSingle onlyIllegal
DescriptionSame-sex couples are legally prohibited from adopting children in Indonesia by a joint adoption. Prospective parents must be in a marriage recognized by Indonesia.

By the National law, adoption must be from a married heterosexual couple. However, single parents can adopt under regional minister’s allowance. There are no requirements regarding sexual orientation or gender identity to adopt a child as single parent.
Same-sex couples are legally prohibited from adopting children in Indonesia by a joint adoption.

In theory, a single person may adopt, but the prospective parent must be in a marriage recognized by Indonesia which is heterosexual according to national law, making it virtually impossible for same-sex couples to adopt children.
Show Difference
Same-sex couples are legally prohibited from adopting children in Indonesia by a joint adoption. Prospective parents must be in a marriage recognized by Indonesia. By the National law, adoption must be from a married heterosexual couple. However, single parents can adopt under regional minister’s allowance. There are no requirements regarding sexual orientation or gender identity to adopt a child as single parent. adoption. In theory, a single person may adopt, but the prospective parent must be in a marriage recognized by Indonesia which is heterosexual according to national law, making it virtually impossible for same-sex couples to adopt children.
Reports (1)
  • Status is not correct "Adoption is legal in Indonesia no matter what’s your sexual orientation as long as you are single. So the correct status is "Single Only". I mean you can adopt a baby if you are 'single' even though you are gay or lesbian or bisexual."

Revision by LGBT_southeastasian

Old Value New Value
DescriptionSame-sex couples are legally prohibited from adopting children in Indonesia by a joint adoption. Prospective parents must be in a marriage recognized by Indonesia.

By the National law, adoption must be from a married heterosexual couple. However, single parents can adopt under specific provincial laws . There are no requirements regarding sexual orientation or gender identity to adopt a child as single parent.
Same-sex couples are legally prohibited from adopting children in Indonesia by a joint adoption. Prospective parents must be in a marriage recognized by Indonesia.

By the National law, adoption must be from a married heterosexual couple. However, single parents can adopt under regional minister’s allowance. There are no requirements regarding sexual orientation or gender identity to adopt a child as single parent.
Show Difference
Same-sex couples are legally prohibited from adopting children in Indonesia by a joint adoption. Prospective parents must be in a marriage recognized by Indonesia. By the National law, adoption must be from a married heterosexual couple. However, single parents can adopt under specific provincial laws . There are no requirements regarding sexual orientation or gender identity to adopt a child as single parent. regional minister’s allowance. There are no requirements regarding sexual orientation or gender identity to adopt a child as single parent.

Revision by Muhammadaji2022

Old Value New Value
DescriptionSame-sex couples are legally prohibited from adopting children in Indonesia. Prospective parents must be in a marriage recognized by Indonesia.

By the National law, adoption must be from a married heterosexual couple. However, single parents can adopt under specific provincial laws . There are no requirements regarding sexual orientation or gender identity to adopt a child as single parent.
Same-sex couples are legally prohibited from adopting children in Indonesia by a joint adoption. Prospective parents must be in a marriage recognized by Indonesia.

By the National law, adoption must be from a married heterosexual couple. However, single parents can adopt under specific provincial laws . There are no requirements regarding sexual orientation or gender identity to adopt a child as single parent.
Show Difference
Same-sex couples are legally prohibited from adopting children in Indonesia. Prospective parents must be in a marriage recognized by Indonesia. By the National law, adoption must be from a married heterosexual couple. However, single parents can adopt under specific provincial laws . There are no requirements regarding sexual orientation or gender identity to adopt a child as single parent. Indonesia by a joint adoption. Prospective parents must be in a marriage recognized by Indonesia. By the National law, adoption must be from a married heterosexual couple. However, single parents can adopt under specific provincial laws . There are no requirements regarding sexual orientation or gender identity to adopt a child as single parent.

Revision by Muhammadaji2022

Old Value New Value
ValueIllegalSingle only
DescriptionSame-sex couples are legally prohibited from adopting children in Indonesia. Prospective parents must be in a marriage recognized by Indonesia.Same-sex couples are legally prohibited from adopting children in Indonesia. Prospective parents must be in a marriage recognized by Indonesia.

By the National law, adoption must be from a married heterosexual couple. However, single parents can adopt under specific provincial laws . There are no requirements regarding sexual orientation or gender identity to adopt a child as single parent.
Show Difference
Same-sex couples are legally prohibited from adopting children in Indonesia. Prospective parents must be in a marriage recognized by Indonesia. Indonesia. By the National law, adoption must be from a married heterosexual couple. However, single parents can adopt under specific provincial laws . There are no requirements regarding sexual orientation or gender identity to adopt a child as single parent.
Show Difference
http://www.sayapibujakarta.org/ind/adopsi.html http://www.sayapibujakarta.org/ind/adopsi.html https://www.hukumonline.com/klinik/detail/ulasan/lt58536910d0461/bolehkah-isingle-parent-i-mengadopsi-anak/ https://dukcapil.gunungkidulkab.go.id/ini-tata-cara-mengadopsi-anak-sesuai-undang-undang/

Revision by Antinousosiris

Old Value (Original) New Value
ValueMarried couples onlyIllegal

bradcoffey106 created this entry.