Entry #221: Same-sex marriage in South Korea

Current Version

RegionSouth Korea
IssueSame-sex marriage
Start DateAug 15, 1948
End Datenow
DescriptionThere have been proposals to legalize same-sex marriage in Korea, but none have passed.
Reports (1)
  • Status is not correct "https://www.npr.org/2023/02/21/1158475301/south-korea-same-sex-partner-government-health-insurance Due to a court ruling on February 21, 2023, the status is closer to unregistered cohabitation."

Revision History (2)

Revision by danlev. We shouldn't put "as of" dates in descriptions

Old Value New Value (Current)
DescriptionThere has been proposals to legalize gay marriage, but none have passed as of May 2022.There have been proposals to legalize same-sex marriage in Korea, but none have passed.
Show Difference
There has been proposals to legalize gay marriage, but none have passed as of May 2022. been proposals to legalize same-sex marriage in Korea, but none have passed.

Revision by tsusamu

Old Value (Original) New Value
DescriptionThere has been proposals to legalize gay marriage, but none have passed as of May 2022.
Show Difference
There has been proposals to legalize gay marriage, but none have passed as of May 2022.
Reports (8)
  • Status is not correct "https://www.hrw.org/news/2023/06/01/marriage-equality-gets-boost-south-korea"
  • Status is not correct "While South Korea does not recognize same-sex marriages, neither the Constitution of South Korea nor civil law defines marriage as being between a man and a woman."
  • Status is not correct "Same-sex marriage is not explicitly prohibited in the country's constituition or civil law"
  • All information is correct, just adding sources "South Korea could possibly legalise same sex marriage soon https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/may/31/south-koreas-first-ever-same-sex-marriage-bill-goes-to-parliament"
  • Other "Dude, I just want know if it IS legal or NOT "
  • Status is not correct "Same-sex marriage is not permitted yet."
  • Status is not correct "The court just ruled it illegal"
  • Status is not correct

bradcoffey106 created this entry.